Old Library

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Apothecary Library

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Modern Library

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Historical archive

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Works of Art

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History of Camaldolesi

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The Historical Library and Archives of Camaldoli, constructed with the support of Ranuccio Farnese in 1622, today contain texts and documents which not only illuminate the history of a thousand year old congregation (1012-2012), but which also encompass the entire history of Western culture. Help us keep these collections alive by making a donation to one of our projects:


The Modern Library  Adopt a Book Adopt an Artwork  Donate 5×1000

The nonprofit “Camaldoli Cultura” Foundation, which is comprised of the monastic community of Camaldoli, seeks to preserve and promote its rich heritage of libraries, archives, and artistic treasures housed at the Sacred Hermitage and Monastery of Camaldoli.

There is a project currently underway to establish a new library and archive at the Camaldoli Monastery, which will be named for the Camaldolese Edoardo Baroncini, archivist and librarian from the early 18th Century. The new library will make possible public access to the modernized library, and its collection of approximately 35,000 volumes.

The library also features a periodicals collection of 540 titles from Italy and abroad, which cover topics such as Holy Scripture, Theology, Patristics, Liturgy, Monasticism, Church History, and Ecumenism.

More on the project

Consult the Archives of the Camaldoli Libraries


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Info e Contacts

Tel: 0575 556021

Mail: info@camaldolicultura.it

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